Let's clarify things! The National Insurable Wage Ceiling Adjustment raises the maximum wages subject to National Insurance contributions every two years, factoring in cost of living and salary increases, plus an extra 2%.
However, the National Contribution Rates Increase means a higher percentage of your wages will go toward National Insurance, funding pensions and healthcare.
Both increases will take effect on July 1st! For more information on the rates increase, visit nibrateincrease.com.
#NIBRatesIncrease #InvestinTomorrowToday #AreYouIn

NIB is not government-funded. Our money only comes from YOUR contributions. Increasing contribution rates is the only way to prevent depletion.
Have more concerns? Visit our website www.nibrateincrease.com for more information?
#NIBRatesIncrease #InvestinTomorrowToday #AreYouIn